Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при президенте РФ

Сегодня 09-02-2025 13:24


Regulations for Submission, Review and Publication of Scientific Articles in the Journal “The Bulletin of the Volga Region Institute of Administration” (“Vestnik Povolzhskogo instituta upravleniya”)



1.     The editorial board accepts articles for review, related to the subject of management (management of political, social, and economic processes, legal regulation of various spheres of society and the state, social and human development, topical problems of modern Russia and the international community).

2.     The Journal shall peer-review all incoming materials corresponding to its subject. All the reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of the peer-reviewed material and have been publishing on the subject for at least three years. Reviews are stored in the publishing and editorial office for five years. Articles are sent for a review by the executive secretary of the Journal without names and other data to identify the authors.

3.     In case of a negative review, by the decision of the chief editor, deputy editor, or the executive secretary the article may be re-directed for assessment by another reviewer.

4.     The review is signed by the reviewer with an indication of his / her scientific degree, academic rank, and position, and is sealed by the institution.

5.     The editorial office submit the authors of the materials copies of reviews or a reasoned rejection, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on request.

6.     The decision to publish an article is made by the editorial board on the grounds of the comment and the review submitted. 

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