Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при президенте РФ

Сегодня 09-02-2025 15:24


   The Bulletin of the Volga Region Institute of Administration (PI Media Registration Certificate No. FS 77 – 52425 dated 28 December 2012) is a scientific journal established by the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

   The journal is intended for specialists in social, economic and political management, political science, sociology and law.


   Thematic sections of the journal:

   Public Authorities and Public Administration in the Russian Federation

   Russian State and Civil Society: Historical Experience and Contemporary Condition

   Legal Regulation in Contemporary Russia

   Social Policy in the Russian Federation

   Social-Economic Modernization of Russia

   Philosophy and Culture of Society: Approaches, Concepts, Opinions

   Public Policy and Administration in Russia: Young Scientists’ View

   The Eurasian Space: Integration Processes and Regional Management Experience

   Reviews. Scientific Events Chronicle


   The journal publishes articles by Russian and foreign authors. Its pages also cover certain scientific events: scientific discussions, conferences held in the Academy, seminars and “round tables”.

   There are six issues a year. Publishing Center of the Volga Institute of Management. P.A. Stolypin

   Since 2006 the journal has been included in the catalog of “UralPress” with the subscription index 20432.

   The journal has the International Standard Serial Number ISSN 1682-2358 and is a peer-reviewed periodical.

Since 2007 “The Bulletin of the Volga Region Academy for Civil Service” has been included in the list of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications of the Higher Attestation Commission, that are to publish the main results of theses for the degree of doctor or candidate of sciences.

   Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Leonidovich Chepliaev, Candidate of Sociology, Director of Stolypin Volga Region Institute of Administration of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

   Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Oleg Nikolaevich Fomin, Doctor of Politics, Professor, Deputy Director of Stolypin Volga Region Institute of Administration

   Executive Secretary: Aleksandr Nikolaevich Sulimin, Candidate of Politology, Docent, Leading Expert of the Scientific and Organizational Department of Stolypin Volga Region Institute of Administration




Requirements for Manuscripts of the Scientific Articles Submitted for Publication in the Scientific Journal “The Bulletin of the Volga Region Institute of Administration”

1. The editors accept for review articles related to management issues (management of political, social and economic processes, legal regulation of various aspects of society and the state, social and humanitarian development, topical problems of modern Russia and the international community). The editors reserve the right to publish articles in other areas of science as well.

2. Articles must be submitted to the Executive Secretary of the journal no later than three months prior to the scheduled date of publication in an issue of the journal.

3. Articles must be submitted on paper and in electronic form of 0.4-0.6 pp (10-15 pages of printed text, size 14, 1.5 spacing, with standard margins). References must be marked in brackets in the text of the article with the number of the source in the reference list, and the page or the normative act article referenced by the author (e.g. [8, P. 16], [8, Art. 16]). References are listed at the end of the article in a sequential style, i.e. according to the order of citing in the text (neither alphabetically nor by hierarchy). Each reference should be allocated one number, which may be repeated as necessary. The reference list must be arranged according to the State Standard – GOST R.7.0.5. – 2008. For normative acts in the list the original and the latest editions must be noted. The reference list is included in the total number of pages in the article.

4. Apart from an article authors must submit the following in a separate electronic file in both the Russian and the English languages:

a) a short annotation (two-four sentences) with the title of the article, the author’s last name and initials, the UDC and BBK codes (in Russian only), and/or DOI, and/or other classifications or registration systems codes;

b) key words and word-combinations (up to three);

c) information about the author – full name, position and place of work or study, contact information (post and email address, telephone number).

The responsibility for the accuracy of the information submitted lies with the author.

5. Articles are assessed by the editorial board, specialists of the institute or other universities according to the profile of the article. Articles are submitted for a review without any information about the authors (e.g. name, surname, etc.) that would allow the reviewer to identify the author. Authors have the right to familiarize themselves with the review. The author has the right to submit a certified review by the scientific supervisor, doctor/candidate of science in corresponding profile.

6. The publication fee is not charged with post-graduate students.



Stolypin Volga Region Institute of Administration

23/25 Sobornaya Street, Saratov, Russia, Zip Code 410031

The executive secretary of the scientific journal “The Bulletin of the Volga Region Institute of Administration”, Candidate of Sociology, Dmitry Valerievich Akaev


Email vestnikpags@mail.ru




журналов/Issues of the Journal



• Том 24 №5 Том 24 №6
• Том 24 №3
• Том 24 №4
• Том 24 №1 • Том 24 №2
• Том 23 №5 • Том 23 №6
• Том 23 №3 • Том 23 №4
• Том 23 №1 • Том 23 №2
• Том 22 №5 • Том 22 №6
• Том 22 №3 • Том 22 №4
• Том 22 №1 • Том 22 №2
• Том 21 №5 • Том 21 №6
• Том 21 №3 • Том 21 №4
• Том 21 №1 • Том 21 №2
• Том 20 №5 • Том 20 №6
• Том 20 №3 • Том 20 №4
• Том 20 №1 • Том 20 №2
• Том 19 №5 • Том 19 №6
• Том 19 №3 • Том 19 №4
• Том 19 №1
• Том 19 №2
• Том 18 №5  Том 18 №6
 Том 18 №3 • Том 18 №4
• Том 18 №1 • Том 18 №2
• Том 17 №5  Том 17 №6
• Том 17 №3 Том 17 №4

• Том 17 №1

 Том 17 №2
• № 56 (2016) • № 55 (2016)
• № 54 (2016) • № 53 (2016)
• № 52 (2016)

• № 51 (2015)
• № 50 (2015) • № 49 (2015)
• № 48 (2015) • № 47 (2015)
• № 46 (2015) • № 45 (2014)
• № 44 (2014) • № 43 (2014)
 № 42 (2014)  № 41 (2014)
№ 40 (2014) № 39 (2013)
№ 38 (2013) № 37 (2013)
№ 36 (2013) № 35 (2013)

№ 34 (2013)

№ 33 (2012)

№ 32 (2012)

№ 31 (2012)

№ 30 (2012)

№ 29 (2011)

№ 28 (2011)

№ 27 (2011)

№ 26 (2011) № 25 (2010)
№ 24 (2010) № 23 (2010)
№ 22 (2010) № 21 (2009)

№ 20 (2009)

№ 19 (2009)

№ 18 (2009)

№ 17 (2008)

№ 16 (2008) № 15 (2008)
№ 14 (2008) № 13 (2007)
№ 12 (2007) № 11 (2006)
№ 10 (2006) № 9 (2005)
№ 8 (2005) № 7 (2004)
№ 6 (2004) № 5 (2003)
№ 4 (2002) № 3 (2002)
№ 2 (2001) № 1 (2001)
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